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Category Archives: Bratislava

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“Jamones Pepe”, internationalization workshop

Today, I am going to develop at the University of Economics in Bratislava the third of the workshops this week. This time the goal is to show “in real” the possibilities that the Internet, especially the new social web tools, have for the internationalization of

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Social Media in the European Institutions

Today I will give at the Economic University of Bratislava, in the Faculty of Commerce, a lecture on the use of social networks in the field of European Union institutions. U eworkshop View more presentations from fcheca The presentation, about one hour and a half,

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Social media around the world

Finally I have started to work in my research project about the use of the Social Media in Slovakia and the experience is being great. Bratislava is a nice city, their people are cute, and the University of Economics in Bratislava has become my second

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Un largo paréntesis

Durante los últimos meses he estado muy poco activo en Infoconocimiento. Han sido meses en los que he fijado mi residencia en Malta, un precioso país en el que disfruto del mar, de una temperatura privilegiada y en el que he situado mi base de